July 14, 2016
On Sunday, Bishop Serratelli celebrated the 70th anniversary of St. Simon the Apostle Parish, a small faith community tucked in the woods of rural Rockaway Borough that has grown from humble beginnings to a dynamic congregation, demonstrated by its commitment to the faith and service to others.
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July 14, 2016
How did one of the Princes of the Church celebrate his birthday? He spent time with a group of homeless people. Cardinal Orani Tempesta, archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, celebrated his 66th birthday with a visit to the homeless in his archdiocese.
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July 7, 2016
Bishop Serratelli was the main celebrant of a Mass of Thanksgiving marking the 25th anniversary of religious life for five Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth in Parsippany June 26. A dozen priests concelebrated the Silver Anniversary Jubilee Mass, and the celebration was attended by Mother Lilly Pereppadan, delegate general of the order along with religious sisters, family members and friends.
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July 7, 2016
Bishop Serratelli made a pastoral visit to St. Christopher Church in Parsippany on June 26 and celebrated Mass for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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July 7, 2016
Marking the end of an era for Diocesan Catholic Charities, a farewell dinner was held for Joseph Duffy, president of Diocesan Catholic Charities and executive director of Straight and Narrow, at the Brownstone in Paterson June 28. Duffy announced his retirement in March and his final day serving as head of the Paterson Diocese’s social service agencies was June 30.
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July 7, 2016
Joining together to pray for life and liberty, the Knights of Columbus, Regina Mundi Council 3969, hosted a Mass and Holy Hour June 30 in St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Clifton in support of the U.S. Bishop’s Fortnight for Freedom campaign.
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July 7, 2016
From June 29 to July 1, 38 young men from the Church of Paterson got the opportunity to see priests and seminarians up close during the Quo Vadis Days 2016 discernment retreat, guided by the theme “The Universal Call to Holiness,” at Sacred Heart Spirituality Center in Newton. These young men, who ranged in age from their teens to their 20s, explored God’s call — as a priest, religious, married person or single person.
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July 7, 2016
While the annual “Fortnight for Freedom” was being observed to focus on religious liberty issues, the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear a conscience rights case raised by pro-life pharmacy owners pointed to just how fragile our freedom to live out our faith has become. The case before the Supreme Court challenged Washington state rules that required pharmacies to dispense abortion-causing drugs and prevented those who object to abortion from referring customers elsewhere.
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