December 6, 2018
Pastors who want to re-vitalize their existing youth ministry program or get their youth minister the training he or she might need to become more effective at helping inspire a deeper faith in their parish’s young people will soon be able to get assistance from the diocesan Office of Youth Ministry. Starting in January, the diocesan Office of Youth Ministry will launch its new Apprenticeship Program — an initiative that gives experienced youth ministers the opportunity to mentor new and less-experienced youth ministers by preparing, forming and advising them for the role.
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December 6, 2018
If you could save a life by just signing your name, would you? Through the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” postcard and petition campaign, the faithful throughout the Diocese have the opportunity to save babies 20 weeks in the womb from abortion. Since the summer, almost 14,000 postcards and petitions have been signed and sent from the faithful in the Paterson Diocese for the passage of the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” (A-1686/S537) to be sent to state legislatures.
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December 6, 2018
All of us over the years can recall at some point in our life the difference a religious made in our life, be it in a Catholic school, a religious education program or at our home parish. They were the ones who shaped our faith. Today, many of them are in their senior years, still active in their communities. But their communities are struggling to provide for them in their retirement years.
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