May 13, 2021
On a day that honors mothers, the Diocesan May Crowning was celebrated in St. Peter the Apostle Church in Parsippany May 9 during a Mass that marked the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Bishop Kevin Sweeney led the coronation for the Blessed Mother and was homilist during the Mass.
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May 13, 2021
College of the Ozarks is a small, private, Christian college located in Point Lookout, Mo. Although the college may be small in size, it has made a big-time splash with news that it is suing President Biden over his anti-discrimination executive order that would force the college to abandon its religious principles in favor of gender politics.
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May 13, 2021
While Matthew’s Gospel does not specifically mention the Ascension, the Gospels of Mark (16:19) and Luke (24:51) do speak of Jesus being “taken up to heaven.” The Acts of the Apostles speaks in even greater detail in its first 12 verses of both the “Promise of the Spirit” and the Ascension.
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May 6, 2021
Bishop Kevin Sweeney made a pastoral visit to St. Simon Parish in Green Pond marking the Fifth Sunday of Easter April 2. During the visit, the Bishop administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to young people of the parish, who had prepared for the Sacrament for two years in the parish’s Confirmation program.
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May 6, 2021
Ten years ago, the Diocese of Paterson offered a house in Clifton on Valley Road that formerly served as the diocesan Offices for Clergy Personnel and Priestly Life allowing a group of eight young women to be the first residents of Casa Guadalupe, a house of discernment and prayer. Since its opening on April 2, 2011, the house has offered young women in the very early stages of a vocation to religious life, marriage or lay consecrated life, a place to discern God’s plan for their lives, live in community and to pray in deep contemplation and communication with God.
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May 6, 2021
The faith community of St. Catherine of Bologna Parish in Ringwood welcomed Bishop Kevin Sweeney on his pastoral visit on May 1 where he was the main celebrant and homilist for the 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. vigil Masses for the 5th Sunday of Easter. During his visit, the Bishop administered the sacrament of Confirmation to a total of 45 young people of the parish during the two Masses.
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May 6, 2021
A small group of Catholic men have been taking time out of their busy lives to learn how to “suit up” as warriors for Christ, as part of “Into the Breach,” a weekly virtual video-and-discussion series, produced by the Knights of Columbus and the Diocese of Phoenix, Ariz.
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May 6, 2021
Jerellyne Santos, a fourth-grader from St. Gerard Majella School in Paterson, felt an unusual mix of being “nervous and excited” Sunday afternoon, May 2. She helped her family recite the rosary as they often do but on that day, in a much larger place than a room in their home — on the lawn of the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling, leading in prayer more than 300 people, including Bishop Kevin Sweeney.
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May 6, 2021
To honor and give thanks for the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who serve in law enforcement, the Paterson Diocese hosted its 21st annual Blue Mass May 4 in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. Bishop Kevin Sweeney, celebrating his first Blue Mass as Bishop of Paterson, was main celebrant and homilist. Many priests from around the Diocese, who serve as police chaplains for local departments, were concelebrants of the Mass.
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May 6, 2021
Once again, President Biden’s press secretary has said that President “respectfully disagrees” with Catholic bishops, this time on federally-funded fetal tissue research. Last week at a press briefing, EWTN News Nightly reporter Owen Jensen asked Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, about the Biden Administration’s recent decision to remove restrictions on federally-funded fetal tissue research.
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May 6, 2021
When I thought about writing this column for this weekend of May 8/9, after a while, the term “Spiritual Bouquet” came to mind. That is a phrase that (I believe, unfortunately) we do not hear as often as we used to. The decline may have to do with fewer Catholic elementary schools and, especially, with fewer religious sisters teaching in those schools. I did receive a few “Spiritual Bouquets” from schools and communities here in our Diocese, when I was named as the new Bishop last year. I take this opportunity to say “Thank You” for that very important spiritual support.
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