Monday–Friday • Prayers For Intentions
St. James of the Marches Parish, Totowa; after 12:05 Mass. The Prayer Team Ministry accepts intentions and the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are prayed. Submit a prayer intention at [email protected]
Mondays • Catholic In Recovery
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, in Varricchio Hall, Branchville; 6:30 p.m. 12-Step anonymous meeting for addictions of any kind, or those dealing with unhealthy attachments. Call Parish office: 973-948-3185.
Thursdays • Eucharistic and Rosary Holy Hour for Life
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Stirling; 7:30 p.m.
2nd Sundays • St. Padre Pio Prayer Group
St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Parsippany, in the church; 2:30 p.m. Devotional prayer meeting group. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, benediction, and Divine Mercy chaplet.
2nd Wednesdays • Prayer Shawl Ministry
St. James of the Marches Parish, Totowa; 10 a.m. Projects include baby baptism blankets, hospice blankets & funeral blankets. Yarn is provided, as well as coffee and refreshments. Call 973-790-0288, or email: [email protected]
2nd Thursdays • Grief Support Group
The Compassionate Friends-Parsippany Chapter, St. Christopher Parish, at Denville Union Hill Presbyterian Church, Recreation Room; 7:30 p.m. For bereaved parents, siblings, and grandparents. For info, join on facebook: The Compassionate Friends Parsippany Chapter; call or email Lily: 973-568-4164, [email protected]
3rd Sundays • Corazon Puro
Prince of Peace Chapel, Haledon; 4–8 p.m. Talk, Holy Hour, Mass and fellowship directed by Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, with the friars and Salesian sisters. Visit Instagram: corazonpuronj; Youtube: the Corazon Puro App. Contact Catalina, develpment coordinator: 973-777-8818 x282.
4th Fridays • Passaic Special Needs Support Group
St. Anthony Parish, at Parish Center, Passaic; 5–7 p.m. Lauren: [email protected] 2/11 St. Maximilian Kolbe Day Talk. St. John Kanty Parish, Clifton; following the 10 a.m. Polish Mass. Prof. Groth Lyon, State sity of N.Y. at Freedonia, will talk about the life of the priests in the concentration camps.
Book Bin Donations
St. Andrew Parish, Clifton; donation bin at back of parking lot. Books to be resold and proceeds given to the Church. Unusable books will be recycled properly. Barbara: 973-779-6873 x10.