PATERSON Marking its 20th year, the Paterson Diocese hosted the annual Blue Mass to honor the brave men and women who serve in law enforcement and risk their lives every day for the protection of the communities they serve.
Bishop Serratelli was the main celebrant of the Mass May 7 in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist here. Many priests of the diocese, some who serve as police and fire chaplains for local departments, were concelebrants of the Mass. At the Mass, many agencies and departments were in attendance as well as civilians and family members of the officers. Also in attendance were Gov. Phil Murphy and his wife, Tammy Snyder Murphy.
The Mass remembered fallen officers killed in the line of duty and honored Paterson Detective Tamby Yagan, who was killed on April 22, 2018 in a motor vehicle accident on Getty Ave. Imam Mohammad Qatanani of the Islamic Center of Passaic County spoke before the Mass and offered prayers on behalf of Det. Yagan, who was a Muslim. The 12-year law enforcement veteran left behind a young son.
The Jersey City and Port Authority Pipe and Drums of Blue and Gold processed in with the sounds of muffled drums beating and bagpipers wailing in solemn remembrance of the hero officers lost. American flags and police flags were then carried in the opening procession of the Mass by an honor guard consisting of police officers from different departments.
In welcoming all to the Blue Mass, Bishop Serratelli thanked law enforcement officers at the Mass for their presence and for protecting the community. He said, “How good it is when leaders of faith communities and government officials stand together in prayer before God. From him alone do we have the wisdom and the courage to do what is right and just. At this Blue Mass, we gather to honor all those men and women who give their lives to protect our rights and to protect our lives. What a noble vocation, protecting life, a sacred gift from God from the first moment of conception to the moment when God himself calls us to himself.”
During the Mass, law enforcement officers from local departments participated in the Mass as readers and gift bearers. Passaic County Prosecutor Camilia Valdes proclaimed the first reading and Sussex County Prosecutor Francis Koch read the general intercessions. Deacon Anthony Fierro of St. Bonaventure Parish here proclaimed the Gospel. Marlene O’Connell, music minister, led the congregation in song with Jessica Mattiace playing organ.
Father Michael Parisi, diocesan vicar general and pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Wayne, delivered the homily at the Mass, referring to the day’s Gospel about St. Stephen, the first martyr of the Church, a deacon who served his community and laid down his life preaching the Gospel.
In his homily, Father Parisi said to the officers, “Every day, you should know that your communities pray for your safety, for your well-being and for your happy return to your families at the end of every shift, every watch, every operation. As we share the Bread of Life today, we offer our thanks for the blessings that your service secures for our communities and we ask the Good Lord to give eternal rest and perpetual light to all those members along the line who sleep in Christ.”
At the end of Mass, the Pipes and Drums of the Blue and Gold played “Amazing Grace,” bringing solemnity to the occasion as many wiped away tears.
In closing, Msgr. Geno Sylva, rector of the cathedral, thanked all the officers and the rest of the congregation for attending the Blue Mass. He gave special thanks to Frank Petrelli, chairman of the Mass, and the Blue Mass Committee for coordinating the celebration and he said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank in a special way Bishop Serratelli for celebrating this Blue Mass for the past 15 years and for all that he does to support law enforcement in Morris, Passaic and Sussex counties. I would also like to recognize Msgr. Mark Giordani, a friend to so many in law enforcement who was one of the founders of the Blue Mass, on the occasion of his 50th anniversary to the Holy Priesthood this year.”