BRANCHVILLE On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney consecrated a new outdoor altar at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish here April 3. This altar marked a special milestone at the area, which had been the location of an outdoor Mass for last two years. During the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the parish community attended outdoor Masses during the time church buildings were closed for the public celebration of Mass. In steady rain, the consecration took place, followed by Mass with the Bishop as the main celebrant.
Father Philip-Michael Tangorra, pastor of Our Lady Queen of Peace, said, “This parish kept the faith alive amidst the COVID-19 pandemic by celebrating Sunday Masses outdoors, seeing hundreds in attendance.”
At first, a crucifix was erected at the outdoor site made by parishioner, Jay Carter, which has been called “the COVID Cross.” At this time, Mass was celebrated on a table set above the “Rock of Faith.” The parish community was also growing, seeing more than 160 new families join since the pandemic.
Soon after, parishioner Alice Cunningham and her sister, Grace, introduced the idea to build an altar at the site. Father Tangorra said, “Alice besought her son, Sean, a stone mason, to build a proper altar. He replied he was too busy, but if God gave him a sign, he would do it. Off went Alice and Grace to church to pray every day for a sign. A week later, Sean’s daughter grabs him and brings him to the refrigerator which has alphabet magnets on the doors. She said, ‘Look, Daddy. G-O-D, God, and he loves you.’ Sean got to work on building the altar. This parish continues to thrive because of prayer and the faith of its children.”