In an inspired homily at the 22nd annual Respect Life Mass Saturday, Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney said pro-life advocacy is about changing one heart at a time with love and compassion.
“We are here because our hearts have been converted to believe and witness to the dignity and value of every human life from the moment of conception,” the leader of the Diocese of Paterson said to those gathered at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. “But we must ask ourselves what are we doing — as St. Pope John Paul II inspires us — to build a culture of life, to change not only laws but hearts. One heart at a time if necessary.”
Bishop Sweeney, the principal celebrant of the Mass, was joined by brother clergy members and referenced members of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in attendance, known for their pro-life advocacy outside abortion clinics.
Solanyi Rodriguez, a pro-life advocate with Life Advocates of NJ, was invited to speak after Communion about her experience advocating for life and assisting moms in need as a sidewalk counselor.
She spoke about how God called her to overcome her fear, “cross the street,” and help women in their pregnancies. These women, like an 18-year-old named Maybelline, have become like family to Rodriguez and have experienced much joy with their decision to keep their babies. Rodriguez encouraged those in attendance at the Mass to get involved in pro-life advocacy in the way that is appropriate to them.
The Paterson Federation of the Knights of Columbus organized the Mass, and Knights of Columbus members belonging to councils throughout the Diocese of Paterson participated. Students from diocesan schools also attended.
During his homily, Bishop Sweeney said he hopes that over the 50 years since the Roe v. Wade decision, “as individuals, as people of goodwill and faith, as a Church, we’ve learned that when we speak on these topics, as passionate as our conviction may be, we must do so with compassion, with mercy, without condemnation or judgment.”
Bishop Sweeney said Catholics must also be respectful.
“That doesn’t mean we don’t speak the truth, but we have to speak the truth with love,” he said. “And as a Church, as organizations, as families, as parishes, how can we share this message and offer that loving care and support so that a mom, who sadly in our society and culture feels that she has no other choice but to abort her child, can find the love and the support and the courage to say ‘yes,’ to that gift of life.”
Bishop Sweeney said the Church is grateful to those who worked to overturn Roe v. Wade and commented on recent efforts to change abortion laws across the country.
“But what has changed here in our state of New Jersey in terms of the law?” he asked. “Very little or zero. In some states where it has been put to a referendum, sadly, the majority have voted to continue legal abortion in many places with restrictions. Is it more important to change laws or to change hearts?”
Visit to learn more about the Diocese of Paterson’s work cultivating a culture of life.
Visit Bishop Sweeney’s Instagram or the Diocese of Paterson’s Facebook page to watch a video featuring Bishop Sweeney interviewing Rodriguez about her pro-life advocacy work.