TOTOWA Bishop Serratelli visited Holy Sepulchre Cemetery and Mausoleum here Oct. 5 to view the new mosaics that were, and currently are, being installed there. The mosaics are the final part of the construction of the additions to the mausoleum that was completed in 2017.
The first mosaic the Bishop saw was that of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta located at the front entrance to one of the new wings of the mausoleum. He met the artist and installer, Alexander Mandradjiev, and his wife, Daniella, owners of Alexander Studios of Van Nuys, Calif. He then proceeded to view the mosaics of St. John Paul II and the Virgin of Guadalupe. Both are located on the exterior walls of the mausoleum, and highly visible from Totowa Road.
The Bishop also stopped to see the mosaic of St. Joseph holding Baby Jesus. Although this mosaic had not been installed yet, it was laid out for all to see. Mandradjiev explained how each mosaic was composed of an assortment of special stones and stained glass sourced from all over the world. The mosaics of the Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph are located inside of the mausoleum in special corridors dedicated to each of them.
The final mosaic was St. Therese of Lisieux that had also been laid out and prepared for installation. It will also be installed at the front entrance of the new addition. The Bishop commented on the beauty and workmanship that went into these works of art and commended Mandradjiev for his talent and skills. Mandradjiev told the Bishop the special feature of this mosaic is the face of Jesus in the crucifix held by St. Therese. The face of Jesus is a fresco, a painting on wet plaster. He incorporated a fresco because he wanted to accurately convey the sentiment in this mosaic.