CLIFTON Every year, the U.S. Bishops designate the first Sunday in October as Respect Life Sunday with the entire month of October dedicated to Respect Life issues. This year, the celebration of Respect Life Sunday will be observed on Oct. 4.
Under the theme, “Live the Gospel of Life, to Imitate Christ and Follow in His Footsteps,” there are several resources available and events for parishes and the faithful to participate in during Respect Life Month to remind all that Catholics believe all life is precious from conception to natural death.
One event that will be taking place during the month is the “1,000 Strong Rosary for Life” Conference Call on Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m. coordinated by Lifenet, a pro-life organization based in the Archdiocese of Newark. The goal of the conference call is for 1,000 people to pray the rosary in reparation for the sin of abortion and for the protection of babies in the womb. The event occurs on the same day as the Blessed Mother’s final appearance to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, also known as “Miracle of the Sun.” Dr. Mary Mazzarella, consultant for the diocesan Respect Life Office, said, “What better person to intercede than the Blessed Mother, who gave her fiat to the angel, Gabriel. We pray that these Hail Marys in the rosary will change the hearts of so many especially women considering abortion and to protect the unborn babies in the womb.” In a letter to pastors, Dr. Mazzarella encouraged parish leaders to observe Respect Life Month. The USCCB is offering several resources for parishes and the faithful to use to promote the month with an action guide. This guide includes simple steps, sample announcements, activities and more ways to celebrate Respect Life Month.
Some of these steps are to reflect on the theme and the dignity of all human life; pray for human life throughout the month and beyond; learn more about respect life topics, which include abortion healing, pregnancy support, infertility, assisted suicide, end of care and adoption; share on social media pro-life messages; and stay connected year-round with respect life initiatives. Leader tool kits are also available for priests and deacons, faith formation, Catholic education and youth ministry.
The theme of the month was inspired by Pope St. John Paul II, who wrote that the Gospel of Life is at the heart of Jesus’ saving message in the world (Evangelium Vitae). According to the U.S. Bishops, in his encyclical, The Gospel of Life, he “recognizes the full range of threats against human life, from poverty and malnutrition to murder and war. He places particular emphasis however, on threats to life at its beginning and end — precisely when it is most in need of protection. In modern times, children in their mother’s wombs and those approaching the end of their lives are certainly among the “least of these” in our world’s estimation. Practices such as abortion and assisted suicide tragically reject the truth that human life is always to be cherished and defended with loving concern.” Dr. Mazzarella noted that in August 2019, N.J. state lawmakers passed the “Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act,” which is also known as physician-assisted suicide. “The attacks on life have become even more humanly unbelievable with the passage in New York of the infanticide bill. This bill states that a baby that has survived a botched abortion is not allowed to receive any medical assistance, not even some oxygen. They are put into a closet to die. To add to this insult, when the New York Legislature passed this bill, those elected officials stood up and cheered. Grown men and women cheering the death of a helpless baby,” she said.