POMPTON PLAINS The community of Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Parish here on Sept. 18 welcomed a pastoral visit from Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney, who served as main celebrant and homilist for the 11:15 a.m. Mass. He blessed newly installed pews in the church and a new OLGC statue. Concelebrating the Mass was Father Darwin Lastra, OLGC pastor. Assisting was Deacon Marc Mackin. After the homily, the children at Mass gathered around the new OLCG statue in a sanctuary to the side of the altar and placed flowers around it. Made in Italy, the statue marks the first time the parish’s patroness has been represented in statue form. OLCG also has an image of her in an icon. Then, Bishop Sweeney blessed all new pews in the church, which replaced the aging old ones.