PATERSON During these weeks of Advent three parishes came together to bring some Christmas joy to students of the Diocesan Catholic Charities early learning programs here. The parishioners at Our Lady of the Magnificat Parish in Kinnelon, St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Mountain Lakes and St. Luke Parish in Long Valley were “Santa’s elves” for children in need by collecting toys and other goodies to make Christmas gift bags for more than 500 children. Most of the donors were families, whose children are in the parishes’ religious education and Confirmation programs. These young people filled the bags with small Christmas- themed stuffed animals, candy, crafts, snacks and more.
Joseph Murray, director of Early Learning for Diocesan Catholic Charities, said, “The work of all parishioners in this project is deeply appreciated by the staff of our school and the families and students we serve. We are fully aware of how challenging this year has been for everyone and the time, energy and love put into these bags are truly heartwarming. We extend our thanks to everyone for brightening our days with Christmas cheer.”
Karen Kemmerer, a parishioner of Corpus Christi in Chatham Township, coordinated the effort and was in tears because of the generosity she witnessed among the parishes amid the pandemic. She was unsure what the response would be like but she was surprised at the overwhelming support. “I was speechless. The care and quality put into these bags was wonderful,” she told The Beacon.
The Christmas gift bags were delivered to the early learning centers a week before Christmas to the children. The centers receiving bags were El Mundo de Nino, El Mundo Colores, Friendship Corner 2 and La Vida Too, all in Paterson.
About 375 bags were donated by 60 families at Our Lady of the Magnificat Parish. Confirmation students put the bags together at home and brought them to the parish. Grace Davin, Confirmation program coordinator, said, “When the people were dropping off the bags, some of the young people said doing this put them in the Christmas spirit. They really got into it and it was a great service project for them to be involved in.”
Lisa Gervasio, director of religious education at St. Catherine’s, and her assistant, Linda Caruccio, both felt a little bit like Santa’s elves as they put together Christmas gift bags. “It was a joy to see God’s grace work through the parishioners of St. Catherine,” Gervasio said. “I was not sure if we could collect the items to put in the Christmas goodie bags that we have been doing for the past two years but with prayers and the grace of God, we were able to collect the items to be put in the bags.”
At St. Luke Parish in Long Valley, the Confirmation students also participated in the collection. Maureen Murtagh, director of religious education at the Long Valley parish, said, “Our ninth and 10th grade Confirmation classes responded overwhelmingly with donations of stuffed animals, crafts and toys, candy and cookies. What a beautiful example of families reaching out to support our extended families across the Diocese during this Christmas season.”
The Christmas gift bag collection was in collaboration with parishes that already participate in the Diocesan Catholic Charities Backpack Food Program. It is supported by multiple parishes in the Diocese to ensure no child goes hungry.
“Those who support us do this work with genuine love and though they do not get to meet our students and families, they receive and serve them as Jesus Christ would. God bless them all,” Murray said.