DENVILLE At Mass on Ascension Thursday, May 5, two Morris Catholic High School students were received into full communion in the Catholic Church, receiving the Sacraments of Initiation — Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation — administered by Father Carmen Buono, Morris Catholic’s chaplain.
Emily Frey, a sophomore, said that her immediate family was not religious but an aunt brought her to church when she was little so she was familiar with the Mass. “In the back of my mind, I always thought I would become a Catholic but I never had the opportunity until I came to school here and was able to talk with Mrs. Rosalia Schlett, my theology teacher, and just to be surrounded by other students of faith,” she said.
Potter Peng, a freshman and an international student from China, said he was “inspired by God, who is all forgiving, to become a Catholic.” He came to a better understanding of the Catholic faith through his ESL teacher, Mrs. Kathleen Smith. “My family in China fully supported my decision and I am very happy,” he said.
The decision for both was not taken lightly. Both students received instruction from Father Buono over the course of the year. “It is every priest’s joy to perform these Sacraments of Initiation,” said Father Buono.