ANNUAL RETREAT Save the date for this year's Diaconate Retreat. It will be on August 26-28, 2016 at Malvern. Our Retreat Master will be Fr. Mariusz Koch a well known Franciscan Friar of Renewal. He has appeared on EWTN many times.
DEACONS JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY MASS This is the first time we will celebrate significant anniversaries of Ordination. The mass will be on September 10, 2016 at Saint Peter the Apostle Church in Parsippany. Join us in honoring our brothers.
DIOCESAN MEN'S CONFERENCE The Men's Conference will be on October 15, 2016 at St. Paul Inside the Walls.
REGIONAL DIACONATE CONVOCATION The Convocation will be on November 5,2016 at Seton Hall University.
ANNUAL MASS FOR DECEASED DEACONS AND WIVES The mass will be held on November 12, 2016 at St. Paul Inside the Walls. More information to follow on all of the above event.