MORRISTOWN The 40 Days for Life campaign, a peaceful, prayerful vigil at Planned Parenthood here, opened with a statewide kick-off rally Sept. 29. Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Conception Jane Albein offered the opening prayer. Steve Karlen, the North American campaign coordinator, addressed the 65 people in attendance with stories about the many advancements that have been made in the pro-life advocacy in the five years that 40 Days for Life has been held.
“Prayer and fasting are the tools used in 40 Days for Life,” Karlen told the crowd. “Prayerful people standing vigil in front of abortion facilities are the most powerful methods of encouraging women to find alternatives to ending their pregnancies.”
This proved true when a young couple arrived and spoke with a Morris County Right to Life volunteer there. After being told about a free pro-life clinic only blocks away, the couple left and headed there instead. Another young girl, after seeing this, promised not to return to Planned Parenthood again.
Marie Tasy, N.J. Right to Life executive director also addressed the crowd. She advised the group to contact their representatives to ask support for a bill, A3452/S2026, the N.J. Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, modeled after HR 36, a federal bill by the same name, that has been introduced in the state legislature. If passed, it would protect infants older than 20 weeks in the womb from being aborted. Currently, Tasy explained, abortion is legal for the full nine months in New Jersey. Lana Diaz, the N.J. regional coordinator of Silent No More, urging both men and women to speak up about the profound sorrow and life-long suffering experienced by those who do choose to abort their children. Her testimony was underscored by a placard held over her head stating, “I regret my abortion.” Diaz brought her two young daughters along to the rally. She urged anyone suffering from post-abortion trauma to get help through Rachel’s Vineyard by contacting the Diocese of Paterson’s Family Life Office at (973) 437-9735
The Morristown 40 Days for Life Campaign will run until Nov. 6. The goal is to have a minimum of two volunteers present at Planned Parenthood every hour it is open for 40 consecutive days. Those able to donate an hour are asked to go online to, or contact the Morris County Right to Life Organization.
On Oct. 15, volunteers and clergy are needed to participate in a “Jericho Walk,” a peaceful, prayerful walk seven times around the Planned Parenthood facility by members who have prepared by prayer and fasting. This event is designed to counter the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood, and is sponsored by #ProtestPP and dozens of pro-life organizations. The event will take place directly after 8 a.m. Mass at St. Margaret of Scotland Church here.
Women facing difficult circumstances regarding an unplanned pregnancy are encouraged to contact First Choice Women’s Resource Center at 82 Speedwell Ave. in Morristown (973) 538-0967.