PATERSON To pray for a greater respect for the dignity and value of every human life and to put an end to abortion, the annual Respect Life Mass of the Paterson Diocese was celebrated in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist here Nov. 20. The Paterson Federation of the Knights of Columbus sponsored the Mass. Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney was principal celebrant of the Mass with many diocesan priests as concelebrants. Knights of Columbus members belonging to councils throughout the Diocese participated in the Mass.
In welcoming the Knights, their families, and the congregation, the Bishop said, “Today we come to celebrate this annual Mass for Life. We come in this month of November, when as a Catholic family, the Church, we remember in a special way all those who have gone before us in faith. In this Mass, as we reflect on the gift of life, we also call to mind the sad and terrible tragedy of abortion in our country and call to mind the millions of lives that have been lost just at their beginning in the womb through the terrible tragedy of abortion, knowing that each life from the moment of conception is a beloved child of God.”
The Gospel reading for the Mass focused on the Annunciation in which the Blessed Mother was visited by the angel, Gabriel, and she proclaimed her ‘yes’ to God.
Bishop Sweeney said in his homily, “In the past year or so there has been a great deal of discussion here in our country on the topic of Catholic politicians and elected leaders who sadly seem to ignore or even openly oppose their faith in their political and legislative decisions and policies. They oppose what we believe concerning the dignity and value of every human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.”
The Bishop spoke about the debate of when life begins and noted that the advances in technology, science, and medicine have made it “an undeniable fact that life begins at conception.”
“God took on our flesh that began at the moment of conception and like each one of us, our first nine months were spent in the wombs of our mothers,” said the Bishop.
“When life begins, it is less and less a question of religious faith although through that faith and the consistent teaching of the Church — yes, we believe that life begins at conception and each child is a precious gift from God, unique and unrepeatable. But we also know through that science, medicine, and technology, it’s clear.
It’s hard to believe Roe v. Wade will mark its 49th year this coming January when abortion became legal. The conversation has shifted from when does life begin to the right to privacy, the right to choose,” said the Bishop.
The fight against abortion is hopeful according to the Bishop because of the contributions of so many faithful who stand up for the respect of life. “A light has been shined that the unborn has not been forgotten nor his or her voice in the womb unheard because of women and men of faith and people of goodwill who say this is wrong. We must respond with love.”
The Bishop encouraged the congregation to also support mothers in need through the U.S. Bishops initiative “Walking with Mothers in Need.”
“We hope and pray as we give thanks for this great land of ours that our laws will respect the dignity and value of every human life. We need to pray and to work together as the Church to reach out to and support mothers in need to proclaim the Gospel of Life,” he said.
Each year, the Mass is sponsored by the more than 50 Knights of Columbus Councils in the Diocese and represents the continuous staunch commitment the largest Catholic fraternal service organization has for the pro-life cause. The Knights are involved in all facets of the pro-life movement and host events throughout the year for the protection of all life. The organization has a large presence at the March for Life in Washington D.C. every January.
At the close of his homily, the Bishop said, “As we look forward to Thanksgiving and the upcoming season of Advent, we pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire us to proclaim the Gospel of Life — to live it, so that each child in the womb is recognized — for each life is a gift from God.”