SPARTA As students begin religious education classes at the start of the new school year — many preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation — Bishop Serratelli met with second-year Confirmation candidates at Pope John XXIII High School here Sept. 25. In the Paterson Diocese, Confirmation preparation begins in the freshman year of high school and the Confirmandi receive the sacrament at the end of sophomore year or beginning of junior year. Last year for the first time, the Bishop met with the young people who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at various locations in the three counties of the Diocese.
The day was coordinated by the Diocesan Office of Evangelization at St. Paul’s Inside the Walls in Madison. It included catechesis by the Bishop; a question and answer session with the Bishop led by Father Paul Manning, executive director of St. Paul’s and diocesan vicar for evangelization; music; and prayer time with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.