RANDOLPH For a decade and a half, parishioners of St. Matthew Parish here have been bringing Easter joy to the children at Holy Trinity Parish in Passaic by making Easter baskets for them. These colorful baskets with festive Easter grass were filled with Easter candy, chocolate and toys. More than 400 Easter baskets were delivered by St. Matthew parishioners to the inner-city parish to be given to the children for Easter.
Noreen Cassidy, coordinator of the annual Easter basket collection at St. Matthew’s, said, “The entire parish participates by donating Easter eggs filled with candy, chocolate bunnies and toys. Based on the great response of the donations by our parishioners, you witness just how enthusiastic the parish is about the project.”
About 30 parishioners volunteered to put the baskets together after the 11 a.m. Palm Sunday Mass. This tradition at the parish is a family project since many parishioners bring their children to help to make up the baskets. “They bring their children to show them by way of actually participating about giving back to others. The kids have a great time interacting with each other and take great pride in the work they are doing for children who are less fortunate than them,” Cassidy said.
Since 2003, the parish has been bringing Easter joy to the children of Holy Trinity Parish through its sister parish partnership. In addition to the Easter baskets, Holy Trinity Parish is part of St. Matthew’s Giving Tree project during the Advent and Christmas season. The parishioners provide warm clothing for families as well as blankets and gift cards to grocery stores. St. Matthew’s is one of several parishes that has a sister parish partnership with parishes in Paterson and Passaic.
The baskets were delivered by parishioner Liz Ritter and volunteers of the parish on Holy Saturday, just in time for Easter. “We are always pleasantly surprised by the outpouring of donations from our parishioners and the support from the parish year after year,” Ritter said.
The recipients, who are students in Holy Trinity’s religious education program, received the baskets on Easter Sunday.
Father Antonio Rodriguez, pastor of Holy Trinity Parish, said, “We are very grateful for the generosity of the people at St. Matthew’s. Being an inner-city parish, many of the children can’t always receive gifts. They (St. Matthew parishioners) make the baskets and then they drive down to Passaic to deliver the baskets in time for Easter giving. The children are so very happy and excited when they receive the baskets and thankful to the parishioners of St. Matthew’s.”
Father Brian Quinn, pastor of St. Matthew Parish, said, “To witness the sheer quantity and generosity of the parishioners is amazing. The amount of baskets collected just brings joy knowing they were given to children to have a festive Easter.”