CLIFTON The Bishop’s Annual Appeal is now known as the Diocesan Ministries Appeal and this past weekend, the Appeal kicked off at Masses in parishes throughout the Diocese, giving the faithful once again the opportunity to support the good works of the Church of Paterson.
Under the theme, “Love Thy Neighbor,” the Appeal invites parishioners to help fund ministries that serve the poor, sick and needy through Catholic Charities agencies in the Diocese of Paterson; inner city area school students; education needs for diocesan seminarians and priests’ healthcare, including support for Nazareth Village, the Diocesan home for retired priests in Chester. Last year through the generosity of the faithful, the Appeal raised $4.4 million in pledges.
Since it began, the name of this annual outreach to parishioners for their financial support had been the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Starting this year, it has changed to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal.
“COVID-19 has had such a devastating impact on so many people, starting with those who have lost a loved one or who have an illness in their family. We pray for them on a daily basis,” said Bishop Kevin Sweeney. “This pandemic has also had an economic impact on many. Jobs have been lost and in many cases, especially in the inner cities, people are in need of help for the first time in their lives. Our Catholic Charities agencies have fed more people than ever before and have responded to emergency assistance in record numbers.”
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, support for the Appeal is more vital than ever. Catholic Charities has been on the forefront of addressing emergency COVID-19 needs and it receives the largest percentage of Appeal funds. During the month of June, 25,000 were assisted through the food pantries of Catholic Charities whereas normally 5,000 to 7,000 visit the food pantries on any given month. Straight and Narrow was also helped by last year’s Appeal with more than $319,000 allocated to the rebuilding efforts after a five-alarm fire in August 2019.
Last week, personalized letters were sent from the Bishop inviting parishioners to support the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. During the weekend of Sept. 19–20, Lay Appeal Chairpersons and pastors spoke at Masses to encourage participation from the laity. Bulletin announcements will be made for parishioners to understand how their donations help those in great need.
Msgr. James Mahoney, diocesan vicar general and moderator of the curia, said, “Our parishes, along with all of society, have had to adapt to the reality of the pandemic. Even in these difficult times for so many, our churches have continued to respond to the needs of their parishioners and have learned to reach out to them in new ways. What has remained the same are the needs of those served by the Diocesan Ministries Appeal, especially those who come to our Catholic Charities agencies in desperate need of help. It is for this reason that this year’s Appeal is so incredibly important.”
To make the Appeal a success, the work and commitment of the pastors and lay Appeal chairpersons are essential and have been proven through past Appeals and capital campaigns. Msgr. Mahoney said, “I am so grateful to our pastors who will communicate to their parishioners about the 2020 Diocesan Ministries Appeal in as many ways as possible. Time and time again, our parishioners have stepped up, especially when the need is great. I am hopeful that the faithful of our Diocese will respond to the urgent needs of so many this year with their characteristic generosity.”
Each year, Catholic Charities agencies provide help to tens of thousands of people in need. Donations support a variety of programs and services in all three counties of the Diocese. These include people living in poverty, youth at risk, early childhood education and developmental intervention to help children in poverty, adults with developmental disabilities, people with HIV/AIDS, senior citizen care, families in crisis, veterans, including those who are homeless or with unstable housing situations, and drug and alcohol treatment.
Because the Appeal helps Catholic Charities in a significant way, there is a speakers’ network of representatives from the various agencies, who have offered to speak at parishes and share the good news about how important the Appeal is to helping those they serve on a daily basis.
Similar to appeals in the past, parish rebates will be given to parishes that raise money over their Appeal goal. Half the amount received in cash over the parish goal is returned to parishes for their own needs. More than $713,000 was returned to parishes from last year’s Appeal — and more than $3.25 million in five years.
All funds raised through the Appeal are used only for these goals. The funds raised in the Paterson Diocese stay in the Paterson Diocese.
Tim Potter, diocesan chief development officer, said, “Our Diocesan Ministries Appeal, with the theme of ‘Love Thy Neighbor,’ emphasizes the importance of caring for our brothers and sisters, especially in this very difficult time of uncertainty. There are a number of ways to give to the Appeal that will make a difference in people’s lives. In addition to one-time gifts or gifts of pledges over several months, parishioners can also make online donations at Starting this year, parishioners have the option of making continuous monthly gifts to the Appeal that will help those in need now and into the future. Even if you chose to make a continuous monthly gift, you always have the ability to change or discontinue it at any time. Whether it is a one-time gift, a pledge over several months, or an ongoing continuous monthly gift, your support is a tremendous blessing to those we serve.”
“Your gift to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal helps support the work of these agencies as they serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. Your generosity to our Catholic Charities agencies, our seminarians studying for the priesthood, Catholic schools serving those in financial need and our senior priests is a great help and fits perfectly with the theme of this year’s Appeal — ‘Love Thy Neighbor’. On behalf of those we serve, I am so thankful to all who participate in the mission of the Appeal,” said Bishop Sweeney.