PATERSON Bishop Serratelli served as main celebrant and homilist of a Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary Rite (Latin Mass) — steeped in the prayers, music and ceremony of the liturgy of the early Church — for the second time on Oct. 13 in Cathedral of St. John the Baptist here. Also known as a Solemn or High Mass, the Pontifical Mass can be celebrated by a pope, bishop or other clergy.
Priests, religious and laity from around New Jersey and other nearby states filled St. John’s on Saturday for the 9:30 a.m. Mass. The liturgy featured prayers, mainly recited in Latin; Gregorian chants, sung in Latin; special gestures, such as the faithful kneeling to receive Holy Communion on the tongue; and ecclesiastical vestments that were worn for this Mass by Bishop Serratelli and the large contingent of priests who assisted him. Combined choirs with more than 60 voices from several musical chorales provided music.
Last October, the cathedral was also filled to capacity for the first Pontifical Mass at St. John’s. The Mass was part of the Latin Mass Pilgrimage being celebrated for the second year in the Diocese.