PATERSON Bishop Serratelli was the principal celebrant of a Mass in St. Michael Church here Sept. 30 to mark the feast of the parish’s patron, St. Michael the Archangel. The Mass, which was concelebrated by Father Enrique Corona, pastor, marked the parish’s celebration of Feast of St. Michael, which the Church celebrates on Sept. 29. It also honors the other two archangels — St. Raphael and St. Gabriel. St. Michael is known as the guardian of the Catholic Church and he is commonly associated with being the patron of police officer, those in law enforcement agencies and those who serve in the military.
St. Michael’s was founded in 1903 to minister to the Italian community in Paterson. The Cross Street Methodist Church was purchased the same year to serve the new congregation. The present church was built in 1929 and is now designated as a National Historical Landmark.