FRIENDLY COMPETITION Salesian Sister Anne Weis (left) guards Salesian Sister Jessica Castillo during a basketball game on Aug. 29 at the Newer Religious Gathering with Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney at Mary Help of Christians Academy in North Haledon. Participating were young religious from communities in the diocese, Catholics in discernment, and the diocesan Vocations Office.
With sneakers squeaking, two mixed teams of young men and women battled it out in a fierce — yet friendly — game of basketball.
But there was something unusual about this roster of athletes and their uniforms. Players included brothers of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal dribbling the ball in their grey robes, Sisters of Christian Charity in their black habits, Salesian novices in gray, and Salesian sisters in white.
Camaraderie and competition were in the air — and on the court — on Aug. 29 for this year’s Newer Religious Gathering with Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney at Mary Help of Christians Academy in North Haledon. Young religious from communities that serve the Diocese had fun playing volleyball, basketball, ping-pong and the card game UNO.
“It was so much fun playing basketball with so many other religious,” said Salesian Sister Pamela Rose Suresca. She is a freshman theology teacher and campus minister at Mary Help — and a former high-school basketball player. Players cycled on and off teams, during the game of four against four. Sometimes, I was a cheerleader on the sidelines.”
The event attracted 55 local religious priests, brothers, and sisters; newly ordained diocesan priests; diocesan seminarians; and men and women discerning a possible call, including from Casa Guadalupe in Clifton. Also participating were the Sisters of Christian Charity and the Religious Teachers Filippini.
Because of COVID, it was Bishop Sweeney’s first Newer Religious Gathering since becoming bishop of Paterson in 2020. Mary Help is also a formation house of Eastern Province of USA and Canada of the Salesians of Don Bosco. The bishop played ping-pong and Knockout, a basketball throwing game.
Also on the basketball court was Brother Michael Francis, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, who said it’s challenging to play in his robes.
“But I like the witness of it — the normalcy of being a religious. We’re regular people trying to follow the Lord,” Brother Francis said. “With all this talk of a vocation crisis, God is calling young people. When we get together, it’s powerful, even if we are playing basketball.”
In the Salesian’s chapel, Bishop Sweeney led participants in Solemn Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Evening Prayer (vespers) for the Memorial of Passion of John the Baptist, which featured his reflection on gratitude, community, and friendship. The service closed with benediction.
Bishop Sweeney also blessed medals of Our Lady of Fatima, his gift to each participant. They reminded the men and women about the Blessed Mother’s message at Fatima. The bishop visited Fatima in July as part of his pilgrimage with faithful of the diocese to World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.
“The bishop spoke about the importance of community in religious life. It’s one of the pillars of fidelity to our vows,” Sister Suresca said. “The bishop is a charismatic character and pastoral father, who speaks from the heart and is authentic.”
Brother Francis called Bishop Sweeney “personable and down to earth.”
Outside, members of the Knights of Columbus, New Jersey State Council, set up, served, and cleaned up dinner, which they donated. They included Jim Sweeney, state secretary; Michael Leyden, state deputy membership director; and Mike Vaclavicek state deputy program director.
“I met so many local religious, who are open to a connection,” said Sister Suresca. A Wayne native, she entered the Salesians in 2019 and professed first vows this summer. “Recreation is a key part of the Salesian lifestyle. It was great to share our joy having fun with others that night.”