HAWTHORNE Bishop Serratelli made a pastoral visit to St. Anthony Parish here on June 24 to serve as the main celebrant and homilist of the 10 a.m. Mass to mark the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the patron of the Diocese of Paterson.
Concelebrating the Mass were: Msgr. Raymond Kupke, St. Anthony’s pastor and diocesan archivist; and Father Christopher Barkhausen, who had been serving as chaplain and teacher at DePaul Catholic High School, Wayne, while residing at St. Anthony’s, but who has been assigned by the Bishop to be the administrator of St. Francis de Sales Parish, in the McAfee section of Vernon, effective June 29. Assisting was Rev. Mr. Charles Lana, whom Bishop Serratelli ordained along with three other seminarians to the transitional diaconate on May 4. This rite brings the men a step closer to being called to ordination as priests of the Diocese next year.