HAWTHORNE As early as five-and-a-half weeks after gestation, a baby’s heartbeat can be detected through an ultrasound. In an effort to help the mission of Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center, the Father Joseph A. Cassidy Knights of Columbus Council 6100 in Budd Lake recently donated an ultrasound machine that allows the first bond between a mother to see and hear the heartbeat of her unborn baby in her womb.
The newest Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center here will be opening its doors just after Respect Life Month in November to help pregnant women in need, many faced with an unplanned pregnancy, to be of support and assist them in making well-informed decisions. The center also has locations in Hackensack, Wayne and Paterson. The ultrasound machine donated by the Knights will help confirm a pregnancy and this service is offered free of charge at all of the centers.
Jim Sweeney, state advocate of the N.J. Knights and a member of Council 6100, said, “The N.J. State Knights of Columbus and Lighthouse have had a long-term relationship in supporting life issues. From Lighthouse’s early beginning to their expansion, the Knights of Columbus in both the Paterson Diocese and Newark Archdiocese have provided support in the form of baby supplies, donations and now this new ultrasound machine. We are very proud to work with Lighthouse as they provide much needed life services in their communities.”
The cost of the ultrasound machine was more than $23,000 and the Knights raised the money by reaching out to family, friends and parishes and hosting several fundraisers. According to Lighthouse, the center serves women at-risk for or facing an unplanned pregnancy or related concern. The center does not provide or refer for abortion. They provide valuable services to enhance life and the lives of others. The services at Lighthouse are free and confidential.
Debbie Provencher, director of Lighthouse, said, “We are incredibly grateful for the Knights’ partnership. They are one of the big encouragements that made the new center possible. A key element of our work is providing ultrasounds.”
At the new Hawthorne location, which is located on Lafayette Avenue, Lighthouse hopes to provide services beyond health referrals such as evening programs and mentoring young moms. The location has a new multipurpose room for use. One of the possible programs is one to guide new parents toward marriage and healthy relationships.
While the country has seen a decrease in abortion, New Jersey has experienced a 9 percent increase according to Lighthouse. In 2017, this equaled 48,110 lives lost to abortion in the state — an average of 131 every day. The state is also one of the most abortion friendly states providing abortion through all three trimesters. In addition, Gov. Phil Murphy (D) as his first act in office, fully funded Planned Parenthood after it had been defunded for eight years under Gov. Chris Christie (R).
Gerry Kaufhold, Respect Life director for Council 6100, said, “As Knights, we value all life but especially those most vulnerable babies in the womb. Helping Lighthouse accomplish their mission by enabling women to see the life inside them is one small way that we can live our commitment to life.”
One of the biggest missions for the Knights of Columbus organization is supporting life issues. Every year at the March for Life in Washington D.C., there is a large presence of members from councils around the country and the world attending the annual March, which stands up against the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in 1973.
Local councils, like 6100, participate in many activities that support life and pregnant women in the area. Council 6100 just recently hosted its diaper drive and baby shower collecting baby needs such as bath items and clothing. The collection will help Birth Haven in Newton and Care Net pregnancy resources in Hackettstown. Every spring, they host a baby bottle drive, which supports Several Sources Shelters in Ramsey. Through St. Jude Parish in Budd Lake, the Knights also host a spiritual adoption program in which parishioners are invited to pray for a pre-born baby.
“Life is a precious gift, given to us by God. We are entrusted with respecting life at all stages, from conception to natural death,” Sweeney said. “We should consider: if not you and I, then who? Who will take care of those unable to take care of themselves? The Knights have always stood firmly for the sanctity of life and we continue to make it one of our major focus areas in our organization. The Knights will continue to work with organizations such as Lighthouse that provide mothers-to-be with immediate and ongoing support.”