CLIFTON The 2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal kicks off at Masses this weekend, Sept. 12 and 13, in parishes around the diocese.
Pledges to the Appeal will help the Diocese to continue its mission to serve the needy, support seminarians studying for the priesthood, help innercity students and assist retired priests. To prepare for the Appeal, Bishop Serratelli met with pastors, lay appeal chairpersons and parish staff at the St. John Paul II Center here Aug. 25. The diocesan Development Office coordinates the Bishop’s Annual Appeal (BAA).
Under the theme, “Serving Christ Among Us” and inspired by Matthew 25:40, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me,” pledges to the Appeal will help diocesan Catholic Charities agencies to assist the needy, seminarians with their priesthood education costs, low income students who attend Catholic schools and Nazareth Village in Chester, the diocesan priests’ retirement residence.
“The outpouring of generosity from the faithful of our Diocese is overwhelming,” Bishop Serratelli said. “Whether it is volunteering their time in their parishes, serving in various ministries, assisting in social outreach or giving financially to support the work of the Church, our parishioners use their stewardship gifts to serve Christ among us. I am continually grateful to our pastors and Lay Appeal chairpersons who help promote the urgent needs addressed by our Annual Appeal. The needs of those we help continue each year, and so I hope that everyone will be consider prayerfully a sacrificial pledge to our Appeal.”
To make the Appeal a success, pastors and lay chairpersons play an important role in sharing information about the Appeal with parishioners.
“It’s a daunting fact that Jesus really depends on each of us to do his work. Without generous hearts, the work of Jesus and the mission would never be as effective as it is,” said Msgr. James Mahoney, vicar general, moderator of the Curia and pastor of Corpus Christi Parish in Chatham Township. “The Bishop’s Annual Appeal is a practical way for each of us to share in the work of Jesus. The good that every person’s contributions make possible is staggering in terms of helping so many. It is humbling and so gratifying to see how people in every parish respond when presented with the needs of their own parish and the needs met by the diocese beyond their parish. Without the funds raised through the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, so much of the most necessary work of the Church would not happen. But with your support, together we can bring the love of Jesus to thousands and thousands of people in our diocese.”
The majority of the funds raised will help support diocesan Catholic Charities agencies. Each year, diocesan agencies provide help to people in need throughout Morris, Passaic and Sussex counties at 43 locations. Services provided include day care and extended care for children, transportation services for seniors and the disabled, family counseling, emergency food banks, group homes for adults with disabilities, AIDS ministry, clothing and food pantries, substance abuse counseling and home repairs for seniors.
Students in innercity area Catholic schools will also benefit from the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Catholic schools give students the opportunity to learn in a Christ-centered environment with 21st century learning techniques, focusing on communications, collaboration and leadership.
The Appeal also helps to fund education for diocesan seminarians. This is especially important since the number of seminarians has increased dramatically in recent years, along with the cost of formation. In the last 10 years, 74 men have been ordained priests of the diocese. Priests, who have served the diocese for decades and now live in retirement at Nazareth Village in Chester, are also assisted. At Nazareth Village, 33 priests have called the residence home over the years. Many of these retired priests continue to celebrate Mass at nearby parishes. The Appeal helps both these groups of men: those who are preparing for a lifetime of service to the Church and those who have faithful served for decades.
Similar to other years, parish rebates will be given to parishes that raise money over their Appeal goal. Half of all funds received over a parish goal are returned to support local parish needs. Last year, parish rebates totaled a record $398,659.
To provide financial support to the Appeal, there are several ways to help: one-time gifts or pledges paid over several months with reminders; credit card contributions, and online contributions through
“The Bishop’s Annual Appeal is a great way to provide direct help to people in need throughout our Diocese,” said Tim Potter, diocesan director of development. “Working alone, we can only accomplish so much, but when people of faith come together for such an important cause, it becomes transformational. When one realizes just how much good work is done because of the thousands of people who make a pledge to the Bishop’s Appeal, the concept of ‘strength in numbers’ is brought to life for the benefit of our brothers and sisters throughout Morris, Passaic and Sussex counties.”
Information: or call (973) 777-8818, ext. 218.