The aim of the game seemed simple: place a balloon in front of a portable fan, let go, and then watch the wind blow it into a large cardboard box eight feet away. Children at the recent Summer Bible Camp at St. Cecilia Parish in Rockaway took turns trying to launch the balloons — a fun activity that also taught them a simple lesson about the Catholic faith.
The faith community of Holy Cross Parish in the Mountain View neighborhood of Wayne on July 16 welcomed Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney, who presided over 10 a.m. Mass, during a pastoral visit.
St. Mary’s of Pompton Lakes parishioner Veronica Picone brought the topic of estrangement to her new parish for a very good reason. It is a subject she is familiar with. Picone is estranged from her two daughters and her grandchildren, with whom she was very involved.
El poeta supremo y padre del idioma italiano Dante Alighieri en su obra maestra “La Divina Comedia” escribió que “los confines más oscuros del infierno están reservados para aquellos que eligen mantenerse neutrales en tiempos de crisis moral.” Eso fue lo que me vino a la mente después de ver la película que ocupa el primer puesto en EE. UU. actualmente, “El Sonido de la Libertad,” producida por el actor provida mexicano, Eduardo Verastegui.
The supreme poet and father of the Italian language, Dante Alighieri, in his master work, “The Divine Comedy,” wrote that “the darkest places of hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” That’s what came to mind after watching the movie that currently ranks in first place across theaters in the United States, “Sound of Freedom,” produced by the prolife Mexican actor, Eduardo Verastegui.
During a concert last week, the voices of the Cathedral Children’s Choir rang out with the joy of heaven, while singing the end of “Stabat Mater,” a classic piece of sacred music. Young singers from the choir belted out “Amen” — a prayer for salvation that concludes the piece — which echoed through the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson at the end of the performance.
On Friday, July 28, I will be traveling with a group of young people and chaperones, seminarians, and priests, representing our diocese at World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, Portugal. Pope St. John Paul II established World Youth Day in 1985. Since then, young Catholics from all over the world gather with the Holy Father every two to three years, coming together in prayer, fellowship, catechetical sessions, and in a joyful celebration of faith.
Fifty-four teens and 24 chaperones from St. Joseph Parish in Mendham traveled to Paintsville, Ky., from June 18–24, as part of the parish’s 15th annual Teen Appalachia Mission Trip. The team worked in conjunction with Good Neighbors, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that serves the working poor in Johnson County, Ky.
Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney presided over the 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Masses in Spanish on July 9 in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. Concelebrating both Masses was Msgr. Geno Sylva, St. John’s rector and diocesan vicar for special projects.
Sometimes, even though a man and a woman enter a marriage with the best of intentions and great hopefulness for the future, it may end badly. Thankfully, the Roman Catholic Church has a process to determine if a marriage that ended badly may be declared invalid. And, if the marriage that ended badly is declared invalid, both the husband and wife can enter into another marriage with a person more suitable to be his/her partner for life.
On July 13, the Little Sisters of the Poor announced with sadness that they would be withdrawing from St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa. The sisters met with the residents, their families, lay associates, staff, and volunteers to share their decision.
Author Nick Ripatrazone shares a serious passion for literary excellence with the six religious sisters of the past he profiles in his latest non-fiction book, “The Habit of Poetry: The Literary Lives of Nuns in Mid-Century America.” This parishioner of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Sparta has spent his career crafting quality work that attracts attention — whether he is writing on secular subjects or the Catholic faith.
St. Joseph Parish of West Milford, home to the oldest Catholic community in New Jersey, this spring formed a new young adult group. Lux Mundi, which in translation means “Light of the World,” is faith and activity-based and meant for ages 20 to 35. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, and the first meeting was held on Thursday, April 13.
I have been privileged to be able to meet two canonized saints: St. Pope John Paul II and St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta. I hope that many readers may have had a chance to meet or at least be close to one or both of these two saints “of our times.” Perhaps some have had the chance to meet some other canonized saints?
Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney presented graduates of the diocesan Certificate in Catholic Evangelization (CCE) Program in Hispanic ministry with their diplomas on July 7 during a Mass of Thanksgiving he celebrated in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson. Of the 13 graduates, 10 attended the Mass.
Lucas Folan, a diocesan seminarian, received a “huge vote of confidence” from Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney and the Church of Paterson on July 2 as he embarks on the next step of his continuing journey discerning and studying to become a diocesan priest. Bishop Sweeney formally accepted Folan, 24, to study for the priesthood during the Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders at a Mass in his home parish of Notre Dame of Mount Carmel in the Cedar Knolls neighborhood of Hanover Township.
I have been writing this column for almost three years. I think that this is the second time when I am asking you, dear readers, for direct feedback. I would like to know how you react when I mention a “podcast”? I think that there may be some (or many) readers who, when they read the word “podcast,” respond by saying or thinking, “Why does he keep talking about podcasts? I don’t even know what a podcast is!”
On behalf of the entire Catholic Charities Family, I extend my sincerest gratitude for your incredible participation and support of Catholic Charities’ 10th Annual Corpus Christi Food Drive. Your outstanding support enabled us to collect over 15,000 pounds of food for our three food pantries: Father English in Paterson, Hope House in Dover, and Partnership for Social Services in Franklin.
The annual Serra Club Mass was held on June 27 at St. Gerard Majella Church in Paterson to honor seminarians, newly ordained priests, and retiring priests. Bishop Sweeney served as main celebrant of the Mass with participating priests concelebrating and seminarians assisting.
Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney is inviting teenagers of the Paterson Diocese to join him for a “lifechanging” spiritual experience: a pilgrimage to the 2023 National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), to be held from Thursday, Nov. 16 to Saturday, Nov. 18, in Indianapolis, Ind. This will be Bishop Sweeney’s first time joining a contingent from the diocese for this three-day premiere Catholic event, which is expected to draw 25,000 faithful from around the United States.