A bilingual Mass was celebrated by Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney on Friday, Sept. 15, in the chapel of St. Joseph’s University Medical Center in Paterson, to launch the hospital’s celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, observed nationally from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.
Filipino Catholics of the diocese gathered with pride, joy, and gratitude to celebrate two martyrs of their homeland — St. Lorenzo Ruiz and St. Pedro Calungsod — during a Mass on Sept. 23 in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson.
St. James of the Marches Parish and the Academy of St. James of the Marches in Totowa on Sept. 17 held a Mass to mark the opening of the 2023–24 academic year and Catechetical Sunday, which was celebrated by the Catholic Church on that day.
The community of Mary Help of Christians Academy (MHCA) on Oct. 22 welcomed Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney who celebrated Mass for the start of the academic year in the chapel.
About 800 people from St. Vincent Martyr Parish in Madison and the surrounding community on Sept. 24 came out to bid farewell to Msgr. George Hundt, its beloved pastor, who served there since 2009.
The community of Villa Walsh Academy in Morristown and the Religious Teachers Filippini gathered to commemorate the opening of the academic year on Sept. 15 during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney. During his visit, Bishop Sweeney also blessed and dedicated the new Sister Patricia Pompa, MPF, Library and Media Center in Villa Walsh.
Join Bishop Kevin Sweeney and Communications Director Jai Agnish for episode 25 of Beyond The Beacon as they welcome Keaton Douglas of the iTHIRST initiative to discuss spiritual healing and the Church’s role in accompanying those in recovery from addiction.
Father Richard Carton, pastor of Stirling’s (Long Hill Township) St. Vincent de Paul Parish, was in the winter of 2023 actively trying to boost his parish’s youth programs. Joann Kleinle and Kathleen DiLorenzo had an idea. The duo introduced Father Carton to Challenge, a group for girls in fourth through eighth grades, which is run by girls in grades nine through 12.
To mark its 10th anniversary, the Passaic Neighborhood Center for Women hosted “An Afternoon with Marie Benedict” at the Rockaway River Country Club in Denville to benefit women served at the Center. Marie Benedict spoke about one of her most recent books, “The Mitford Affair,” a historical novel about the Mitford sisters between the World Wars. She also talked about some women in history who inspired her other books.
Michelle has struggled with homelessness since rent for her former Paterson apartment shot up to $2,500 per month. “Lots of people are being pushed to be homeless and hungry,” Michelle said. For years, she has received help from the food pantry at Father English Community Center in Paterson. Now, she works there, providing food to those in need. “Some clients are embarrassed. I tell them, ‘It’s life. You’re not the only one in this situation.’ ”
“.. There are millions of people of goodwill whose voices are yet unheard, whose course is yet unclear, and whose courageous actions are yet unseen. These millions are called upon to gird their courage, to speak out, and to offer leadership that is needed. History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the vitriolic words and violent acts of the bad people but the appalling silence and indifference of the good people. Our generation will have to repent not only for the words and actions of the children of darkness but also for the fears and apathy of the children of light.”
Join Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney and Communications Director Jai Agnish for episode 24 of Beyond The Beacon, a podcast of the Diocese of Paterson, N.J. They welcome the pastor and a principal from Assumption School in Morristown — one of the Catholic schools of the diocese. Msgr. John E. Hart and Sister Merris Larkin, S.C., joyfully discuss the life of a successful elementary school and how they work together to make learning effective and fun. Listen on any major podcast platform or watch the episode on the bishop’s YouTube channel.
The community of St. Mary’s Abbey and Delbarton School, both in Morristown, joined together to mark the opening of the 2023–24 academic year on Sept. 12 with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Sweeney.
Ryan Fish, 14, of Assumption Parish in Morristown, considers being an altar server “a unique experience because I’m so close to Jesus on the altar.” On Sept. 16, Fish and nearly 90 altar servers from parishes across the diocese gained a greater understanding of the Eucharist and their role at Mass at Altar Servers Day at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison.
St. Vincent Martyr parish and school in Madison joined together on Sept. 10 for a Mass to open the 2023–24 academic year, which also marks the 175th anniversary of St. Vincent’s, the oldest Catholic elementary school in New Jersey. Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney celebrated the liturgy in the parish church.
It’s the middle of an episode of Collar Café, a live podcast of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish in Morristown, and viewers get ready to answer the week’s Catholic quiz question. On camera, Father Duberney Villamizar, St. Margaret’s pastor, poses the question: “Which ‘Mary’ was not present at Jesus’ empty tomb after the resurrection? Was it Mary, mother of Jesus; Mary, mother of James; Mary Magdalene; or Mary Salome?”
The 2023 Diocesan Ministries Appeal kicks off this week with the theme “I Have Called You By Name.” This annual initiative helps support seminarian formation, Catholic Charities, urban Catholic education, and care for our senior priests.
Every week, a Catholic Charities truck pulls into the parking lot of St. Mary’s in Denville to empty the clothing donation bin. The rumble is a familiar sound that evokes mixed emotions for Father Martin Glynn, the parish pastor. He thinks about the generosity of his parishioners. But it also reminds him of the great need that exists and how the Church is responding to it through Catholic Charities. The need is overwhelming, he said, pointing to a recent visit to the Father English Food Pantry in Paterson.
I think I was in late high school or early college (already thinking about priesthood) when I first remember hearing the story of how I came to be named Kevin. When my Mom came from Ireland, after living with an aunt and uncle for a while and getting a job (with Con Edison) and another job on the weekends, she moved into an apartment in Elmhurst, Queens, with two roommates.
The Charismatic Prayer Group of Holy Trinity Parish in Passaic commemorated its 25th anniversary on Aug. 31, during a Mass, celebrated by Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney.