This is the time of year when we conduct our Diocesan Ministries Appeal (DMA) and invite all the faithful to become active participants in transforming the Gospel into concrete action. By making a pledge to our DMA, you support the formation of our seminarians, Catholic urban education, our senior priests’ healthcare/retirement needs, and our Catholic Charities ministries, where tens of thousands of people receive assistance. This is all done in response to Christ’s call to care for his people.
I have said before that I have been inspired by (St.) Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her Missionaries of Charity since I was a sophomore in college in the fall of 1989. Over the years, I have read a great deal of what has been written and reported about Mother Teresa, her life, and her work. I have also listened to “Mother” speaking on many different occasions.
“Election seasons, therefore, should contain a sense of gratitude and hope …” Do you agree? Is that how you are feeling as we approach an election? Is that what you are hearing in the media, on the internet, or in your day-to-day conversations? Do you hear many voices saying that “election seasons … should contain a sense of gratitude and hope”?
“On Nov. 2, 1989, Cardinal John O’Connor penned an unforgettable headline for his weekly column in Catholic New York: “Help Wanted: Sisters of Life.” This small seed planted 33 years ago has grown into a thriving community of 130 Sisters, established in 10 cities.
In place of my column this week, I invite you to take the time to prayerfully read the Homily (below) given by Bishop David O’Connell at the Mass for Life at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption in Trenton. The Mass preceded the first-ever statewide Rally and March for Life this past Thursday, Sept. 26 at our State Capitol.